Intercessors, Prayer Warriors, Ministers and Mature Believers in Christ,
You are on the front line of God's end time army!
But do you feel battle ready?
Or are you dealing with weight issues that continually get your down?
Because of the exciting spiritual season we are in, God is releasing fresh revelation and power! And it's time for you to tap into that power to become THE BEST YOU that you can be!
You see as leaders in God's army, you know the importance of spiritual warfare. But did you know that that you can achieve SUPERNATURAL WEIGHT LOSS through spiritual warfare too?
Friend, there have been spiritual forces working full time to keep you trapped in a body that makes you miserable. Warfare the Weight gives you the keys you need to overcome these forces and finally be set free!
Not too terribly long I weighed almost 100 pounds more than I do now.
But, as a teacher and passionate student of the Word, I knew there had to be answers to my weight issues – so I made it my personal quest to study the Bible until I found them.
And I did!
I came upon some Biblical “power principles” that when applied to my goal of weight loss, worked supernaturally, through the natural, in this difficult area of my life. You see by simply praying these principles forth, and plugging them in to my actions, my weight loss efforts became easy. Supernaturally easy! Because I came to realize that my weight problem could be conquered when I came at it through the Spirit realm first.
And so can yours!
That's what this book and/or online course teaches you to do.
By reading the book, or watching the online course teaching, you will come to understand these principles. And, by simply praying them forth each day, YOU can lose all the weight you need to lose and keep it off forever!
Yes, I will teach you the complete spiritual strategy I used to lose almost 100 pounds!
And as mature, knowledgeable Believers, you can use this same easy to follow strategy to supernaturally transform your body as well - making you lean, strong and healthy for the Glory of God!
What do you have to lose? (Pardon the pun!) You can order the book or the online course below!
AMAZON REVIEW: *****5 Stars*****
"Excellent! I needed help to get my weight aka “over eating” under control!
This is the way to involve the Lord And seek HIS way daily on how to do this!
Enjoyed reading and I believe this is the key I’ve been searching for! Thank you Peggy Lee!"
The Warfare the Weight Online Course is the same information in the book, but taught in a bit more detail with visual aids to help you understand.
In this course you will learn:
* The Spiritual forces that have been keeping you overweight and how to stop them from operating!
* The aspects of God’s power that can be prayed forth and how they work to burn fat!
* The secret missing ingredient to overcoming our weight struggles!
* How the right mindset changes the spiritual dynamic of your weight problem!
* How to incorporate the very best eating and exercise strategies for guaranteed weight loss and renewed health!
* How the Holy Spirit can and will supernaturally guide you in your weight loss journey!
* How the "laying on of hands" can cause weight loss!
* How to pray forth supernatural "fullness" in your appetite!
* How to empower your exercise activity for supernatural results!
* How taking Communion transforms your body!
* Why you'll receive supernatural weight loss just by listening to the teaching!
*Why the Lord wants YOU to become a health and weight loss expert to minister these principles to others!
Sit back, relax and watch these power packed videos as Peggy teaches you how to lose weight supernaturally for the Glory of God!
This course teaches a step by step prayer strategy of how Peggy got set free!
Once you recognize the Spiritual elements and pray accordingly, the weight comes off!
Supernatural Weight Loss can be yours!
This button will take you to the Teachable Online school which will enable you to enroll in the course.
Once you enroll, you can download the Teachable APP on your phone to view the course from your Smart phone if you prefer.
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